How To Fix A Broken Pickleball Paddle Handle

How To Fix A Broken Pickleball Paddle Handle?

Pickleball has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, and as with any sport, equipment wear and tear are inevitable. One common issue faced by pickleball players is a broken paddle handle. A fractured handle can hinder your performance on the court, whether due to aggressive play or the passage of time. But fear not! With the proper guidance, you can quickly fix a broken pickleball paddle handle and return to enjoying the game in no time. Pickleball paddles usually break and wear out within a few months, despite the manufacturers’ claims of durability.

When you see the growing stack of broken paddles gathering dust in your shed, investing in a new, expensive paddle seems foolish. A good pickleball paddle that offers a quality gaming experience and durability is also expensive. It’s better to improvise with your old, worn-out paddles than to upgrade to a new one, especially if you’re a recreational player. A few simple supplies suffice to fix pickleball paddles. A step-by-step guide will show you how to fix a broken pickleball paddle handle in this article.

What are the signs of a broken pickleball paddle handle?

The signs of a broken pickleball paddle handle can vary. Still, often, they include visible cracks or splinters along the handle, a loose or wobbly grip, and a noticeable decline in performance, resulting in inconsistencies during the game. These signs may indicate that the paddle’s handle has been damaged, which may need to be repaired or replaced to restore its functionality and effectiveness.

Before diving into the repair process, it’s essential to identify whether your pickleball paddle handle is broken. Some common signs include:

  • Visible Cracks or Splinters: Scrutinize the handle for any visible cracks or splinters.
  • Loose Grip: If the grip feels loose or wobbly, it could indicate damage to the handle.
  • Reduced Performance: A broken handle can affect your performance on the court, leading to consistency in your shots.

How Can a Pickleball Paddle Break?

The pickleball paddle can either be damaged by excessive play daily or by accidentally hitting your paddle against a hard surface when playing pickleball. Most problems players face are related to the edge guard, which is the most common issue. If an edge guard is broken or loose, it will not protect the core, and as a result, the paddle will begin to delaminate from the core.

The quality of edge guards varies from one manufacturer to another, and there are a variety of materials that can be used. A plastic edge guard is more likely to break than a rubber one. The real strength of the edge guard depends on how strongly it is glued to the paddle. During drinking, your paddle can either break or loosen the edge guard due to rough use.

In addition to the edge guard coming loose, many players complain that their paddle handles are broken. It is frustrating when a pickleball paddle’s handle breaks since it loses all functionality. If you step on it or hit it against something hard, such as your partner’s paddle, the handle will likely fail in doubles.

Step-Step Guide on How to Fix a Broken Pickleball Paddle Handle

Repairing a broken pickleball handle can be challenging and, sometimes, impossible. It all comes down to the material and adhesive of the handle. You’re all set as long as your glue holds both parts together. Eventually, the handle will break again. You can use these steps to make your work more effective.

Assessing the Damage

To begin with, the first thing you need to do is assess the extent of the damage. As a result of severe cracks or splinters in the handle, you may have to consider replacing the entire paddle if the handle is severely cracked. If the damage is minor, however, you can proceed with the repair process if it is a minor repair.

Gathering Necessary Materials

Following your assessment of the damage, gather all of the materials necessary for the repair at your disposal. Sandpaper, epoxy resin, clamps, paddle grip tape, a paintbrush, and a utility knife should be on hand.

Repairing the Handle

It would help if you started by sanding down the damaged area of the handle to create a smooth surface on which the epoxy resin can be applied. To solve the problem, mix the epoxy resin according to the manufacturer’s instructions and apply it generously to the damaged area. You can use clamps to hold the handle together while the epoxy dries.

Reinforcing the Repair

After the epoxy has dried, reinforce the repair by wrapping the handle with paddle grip tape once the epoxy has dried. Adding this extra support and stability to the handle will ensure that it can withstand the rigours of gameplay without becoming damaged.

Testing the Paddle

Testing it before heading back out is essential to ensure the paddle will work again when you return to the court. Take a few practice swings to get a feel for how the paddle feels and performs. Whenever everything feels secure and stable, you are ready to play.

Reasons for Pickleball Paddle Damages

Your paddle is now playable after you repaired it. Why did your paddle break in the first place? Despite the short lifespan of a pickleball paddle, there are a few things to keep in mind that could prevent it from breaking. The top 5 reasons pickleball players wear out their paddles are as follows. 

1.  Overusing the paddle

One of the main reasons why paddles wear out so quickly is this. Overtime or aggressive play will likely result in your paddle dying before expiration. The core went dead as a result of too much ball contact daily. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it. 

2.  Throwing the paddle

Have you ever lost to someone you hate the most? Understandably, you are frustrated. Many players throw their paddles after losing a match or making an unforced error. There are three possible outcomes: the handle breaks, the edge guard comes off, or, worst of all, the surface is torn apart. Wooden paddles, however, can be thrown as much as you like. It’s hard to break them.

3.  Not cleaning the paddle

Your paddle will have dust and debris, which will ruin the texture of your surface if not regularly cleaned. Water and harsh rubbing over the surface could be wise. Keeping one step ahead requires following a cleaning guide. Care beats cure. 

4.  Not covering the paddle

When not in use, the Pickleball paddle must be covered. Pickleball paddle covers are an extra expense for many new players, so they don’t buy them. Dust will settle on your paddle, which may be prone to accidents. The paddle might fall, or something else might lose over it. A cover protects the pickleball paddle from unforeseen incidents and extends its lifespan. 

5.  Using a paddle carelessly

Are you prone to picking up items from the court with your paddle, leaving them in the direct sunlight or your car, or playing with them in harsh weather? Don’t be surprised if your paddle is reacting now. Only the pickleball ball should always come into contact with the Pickleball paddle. 


A broken pickleball paddle handle doesn’t have to sideline your game. Following the steps outlined above, you can effectively repair the handle and return to enjoying the sport you love. How to fix a broken pickleball paddle handle? If you follow all these steps, then you will be able to select the fractured pickleball handle. 

Remember to take precautions to prevent future damage and always prioritize safety on the court. You can ensure you have the best equipment to help you play your best by properly fixing and maintaining a broken paddle. If you need help deciding which paddle to choose, refer to our list of the best pickleball paddles for beginner to intermediate.

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